When paired effectively, OOH and social media can make an impressive campaign. Jamila Huq, our National Account Executive, describes View Chicago’s work with Adidas on their campaign along with its impressive & powerful use of social media.
by Jamila Huq, our National Account Executive
Our Adidas campaign was probably the coolest campaign we’ve done since I was here.
Adidas first bought a package of signs with us. It was a mix of HotSpots as well as a couple of wallscapes. They had a list of influencers that they work with, and the first round of their creative was calling out to each of these influencers. The creative would start with an “@” and the influencer’s Instagram handle, mentioned something related to their social media page, and basically said: Come to our brand new store. We’ve got a surprise for you.
“The Adidas campaign was probably the best example I’ve seen of how you can really tie in outdoor advertising with a big splash on social media.”
It was exciting. These influencers knew there was a billboard going up, but they weren’t quite sure what was going to be on there. They were all scrambling to get to their location. Some of our installers were calling me saying: “Who is this person that’s watching me? They’re asking me if they can keep the billboard after. What’s going on? They’re videotaping all of this.”
I would have to tell them: “That’s the influencer, they want a picture of their board.”
In a few hours, we had all of these influencers with hundreds of thousands—in one case over a million—followers posting about our billboards, sharing images of themselves. That was really cool, and it was a great way to engage influencers because they were super excited seeing their billboard going up and they were actually going to the store after that to pick up their free pair of shoes.
It obviously attracted a lot of attention! Here’s the phone of @vincesirico during the campaign.
That ad copy was only up for a week. After that, it got switched out to an ad copy of the actual shoe. Not only did it speak to the influencers, but it spoke to the greater audience right afterwards.
I would say the Adidas campaign was probably the best example I’ve seen of how you can really tie in outdoor advertising with a big splash on social media. It was a great way to pair the two, and really get the most effective campaign.
Ready to tie in your social media campaign with some outdoor advertising?