A recent analysis of the moving trends of young adults in the United States showed that Chicago ranked second in the country for having the highest net migrations among Gen Z adults. Gen Zers’ power as trend-setters is rising, and its impact is driving all generations’ consumer behaviors. This influx of thousands of young people into the purchasing arena presents Chicago business owners with new opportunities to increase their brand awareness, grow their customer bases, and boost their sales.
Why Your Local Business Should Choose Street Furniture: Billboard Cost, Reach, Locations, and Other Benefits
Out-of-home advertising is a practical, long-lasting technique in large and small business advertising, partly because of its flexibility. Just as brands can target a variety of specific geographic locations and specific demographics in those locations, they can use a variety of street furniture formats to do so for a variety of different reasons.
Making Your Marketing Budget Work for You: Sample Billboard Cost Breakdown
Chicago Suburb Guide & Demographics: Know Who You’re Targeting & Where to Find Them
How to Measure Outdoor Advertising: Real ROI to Boost Your Marketing Efforts
We care about how we can get results for our clients, so we have a strong focus on measuring many different metrics of success. Let’s go into more detail about how outdoor advertising is measured past the customer survey of “how did you hear about us?” and what modern tools can be used to learn about the efficacy of your outdoor marketing campaigns.
Outdoor Advertising During The Holidays: Reach Your Target Audience for Seasonal Shopping
With sales during the holiday season surging over $1 trillion, businesses can’t afford to ignore this ideal time for advertising. OOH is strongly poised to help you take advantage of the higher spending that occurs during the holidays. Read more for tips on winter advertising and marketing campaign ideas that you could pair with outdoor advertising.