Billboard Trends for 2022

The pandemic kept many people inside in Chicago for the past year and a half. As confidence in safety grows and the pandemic recedes, the strength of billboard advertising grows. People are spending more time outside, which means they’re more likely to make purchasing decisions on the go, where outdoor ads can have a firm influence. Learn about the trends for outdoor advertising in 2022. 

We always tell our clients that outdoor advertising is not just a traditional medium—it’s based on hard data and deep analysis. Below, you’ll find the conclusions of a study sponsored by the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA).  

Optimistic News

Despite 2021 being a difficult year, optimism is returning thanks to the vaccine rollout. 73% of those surveyed said they approve of the vaccine rollout, and 61% wrote they were convinced the worst is behind us. This is great news for everyone. It’s great to hear most of the American public feels confident the pandemic is getting better all the time, and that things are slowly returning to normal.


Commuting is an important part of any American’s daily life, especially in Chicago. In early 2022, those surveyed said they were looking at commuting as a much more viable option, with commuting rates likely to rise by 9%. 78% of working Americans will be commuting at least part-time in the first half of 2022, and that number rises to 88% in rural areas and 80% in large urban centers. This is part of the return back to normalcy. A lot of companies are asking their employees to return to the offices, even if it’s just for a few days of the week. This push will increase commuting and make outdoor advertising more effective.


Most consumer travel in 2022 will not be lessened due to COVID. 72% of Americans want to travel in the first half of the next year, with 48% of travelers claiming they’ve already made travel plans in early 2022. Only 27% say they are waiting to see what happens with the pandemic before making any travel decisions. Airline use is also projected to increase to double the amount of travel during the 2020 holidays. Americans are planning to live their lives as normally as possible, with trips and dining out at pre-COVID levels. 


Some of the most purchased items in 2022 will be footwear, clothing, and travel. And shopping will increase in general. OOH is poised, as always, to be a great asset in this environment, with the ability to reach your audience at a key point in the purchasing journey. When your audience is out of home and ready to make purchasing decisions, outdoor advertising can keep your brand top of mind.

Quick Facts

  • Billboards continue to be relevant during COVID with 42% of Americans noticing OOH much more than September 2020

  • 55% of consumers say it’s likely they’d visit an advertiser’s web store, while 48% say they would visit their physical store

  • 77% of consumers have engaged with outdoor ads in some fashion (in urban areas) like Chicago)

  • Millennials, Gen Zers, and city residents are the ones who are most likely to stop and read outdoor ads that feature their favorite brand or celebrity or highlighted a local business

Outdoor Advertising Insights for 2022

The OAAA study showed a lot of promising trends for billboards in 2022. One of the main trends relates to integrating social media and outdoor advertising. Social media is one of the best ways to amplify your OOH footprint, and it works even better with younger audiences. 67% of Millennials and Gen Z have seen an outdoor ad reposted on social media. But they’re not just passive audiences—91% said they would reshare an outdoor ad on their favorite social media platform, claiming they’re more likely to reshare ads for sporting events or clothing. Often, these ads have striking visuals, so they’re made to go viral. 

Attention leads to your audiences taking actions. 57% of those surveyed said they were recently engaged by an outdoor ad, with 43% of them visiting a brand’s website, 39% searching for more information about the advertiser or their products, and 39% making a purchase at a physical location. In large urban areas like Chicago, the engagement is even higher, where 77% of consumers were engaged by an outdoor advertisement.

Increase consumer engagement by:

  • Highlight local businesses, artists or events

  • Provide access to a new product from a favorite brand

  • Showcase color and vibrancy

  • Present customized information based on the neighborhood or location

Those Noticing OOH Much More Is Up Significantly from September 2020

When asked: “Would you say you are noticing billboards, outdoor video screens, posters, signage and other outdoor ads more now than before the pandemic began?” 42% said “Yes”, which is 9 points higher than September 2020. Back then, most of Chicago was staying inside waiting for a vaccine. Now, with more vaccine rollout and confidence that the severity of the virus is behind us, people are out of home more often and seeing OOH ads much more. With confidence going up, outdoor ads will only become more effective as time goes on. 

85% of Those Who Have Noticed OOH Ads Find Them Useful

Outdoor ads have the reputation of being helpful and providing relevant information, and it’s a well earned reputation! Of the participants who were surveyed, 85% said they have found useful information on billboards because out of home advertising often tries to show people information that makes sense for them. We have developed geographic profiles that help us reach demographics and show them pertinent information in order to keep outdoor ads relevant.

Retail, Food & Beverage OOH Ads Are Most Relevant to Americans

Americans said they find retail (CVS, Target, Walmart), fast food (McDonald’s, Wendy’s), and beverages (Coke, Budweiser) most relevant, especially on out of home ads. Other advertisers, like medical and health services, consumer tech, motor vehicles, insurance, and financial services made the relevant list. This makes sense since a lot of these products or services are used daily and solve a lot of our modern day problems. 

Over 60% Frequently Skip Online Ads Due to Digital Device Burnout

Even though Americans are spending more time on their phones due to being in isolation or working from home, they’re not as keen to see ads on their phones as they are with billboards. Phones are part of our personal lives, and seeing ads on them can feel like an invasion of privacy. In fact, over 60% of those surveyed said they frequently find themselves concerned about their personal security and data when shopping online. Outdoor advertising is a great way to combat this online ad fatigue by placing ads in the real world that don’t cause interruptions in your audience’s life.

Over Two-Thirds of Younger Generations Recall Seeing OOH on Social Media

The power of billboards reaches even online. 40% of Millennials and Gen Z said they remember seeing outdoor advertising creative on social media, which means billboards are making a significant dent in the online world despite being an out of home medium. One of the reasons this might be the case is that billboard creative is often fun and striking, which lends itself toward sharing visually on apps like Instagram or Facebook. When a person sees an ad online that they’ve seen before, that brand is going to remain top of mind and increase the likelihood they will invest in your brand by purchasing a product or a service. 

Seeing OOH Ads of Interest Most Likely to Boost Online or Retail Foot Traffic for Advertisers

Boosting sales is a well-discussed topic. But something that is not discussed often is the power of outdoor advertising to increase sales, both online and in physical locations. Billboards are great ways to spread brand recognition, and with a simple web address (or even a special coupon, if you want to get fancy) you can lead audience members to your website where they can make a purchase. Similarly, you can use billboards as directional signs, pointing audiences to your physical locations where they can make purchases. 

Over 60% Would Reshare OOH Ads on Social, Including Over 80% of Younger Generations

Smartphones make it easy to share images, especially for younger generations like Millennials and Gen Z. In urban areas like Chicago, this number jumps to 78%, which makes sense because the events, restaurants, and even businesses that advertise would be great ways to share experiences with other Chicagoans. Among those who said they would reshare, 13% said they would share outdoor ads for restaurants. 20% of younger audiences said they would share political messages or social advocacy messages through social media.  

Three-Fifths Have Engaged with OOH Ads

The numbers tell a story here, and the story is that billboards are effective at engaging audiences, period. 57% of those surveyed said they were engaged by outdoor ads, and this number jumps to 77% in urban centers with over a million citizens like Chicago. This level of engagement has most likely led to more website visits, searches for more information, and purchases. 

Billboards Will be Powerful in 2022

With the outlook on travel looking high, outdoor ads will be as relevant as they have always been, especially as the pandemic continues to recede. People have more confidence in their safety, and thus venture out more and make more purchasing decisions based on the advertisements they see on outdoor billboards. With the right tools, like a campaign that amplifies social media reach, you can take advantage of the benefits of billboard advertising in 2022. Contact our account executives today for a custom rate that will capture many eyes in Chicago!

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