Melrose Park

Cost and Locations of Street Furniture Panels in Melrose Park, IL

With a population of over 25,000 people and six constituent neighborhoods, Melrose Park is the 90th largest community in Illinois.

Key Features

  1. Melrose Park is an extremely ethnically-diverse village. The people who call Melrose Park home describe themselves as belonging to a variety of racial and ethnic groups.

  2. People of Hispanic or Latino origin are the most prevalent group in Melrose Park.

  3. Bottom line: Melrose Park has a couple of commercial arteries, along North Avenue, with its big shopping centers and chain restaurants, and the diagonal Lake Street, featuring local independent bakeries and restaurants.


  • Population: 25,000 +

  • Median Age of Population: 33

  • Average Household Income: ~ $68,090 annually

  • Median Household Income: ~ $53,596 annually

  • Marital Status: 45% never married, 42% married. The rest are either separated, widowed, or divorced.

In Detail

Melrose Park is a village of sales and office workers, service providers, and transportation and shipping workers. There are especially a lot of people living in Melrose Park who work in office and administrative support, sales jobs, and food service. The most common language spoken in Melrose Park is Spanish. Other important languages spoken here include English and Italian.

With more than twenty-five thousand residents who speak different languages, Melrose Park is an opportunity to reach a whole new audience. Change your messaging into Spanish or Italian and you might gain a whole new set of loyal customers.

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STREET FURNITURE PANEL In melrose park, il


Inquire About These mELROSE PARK Street Furniture Display Locations and More!

Cost of Street Furniture Panels in MELROSE PARK, IL

The cost of Street Furniture Panels in Melrose Park will depend on a few factors:


Quantity of Locations


Length of Commitment


How Soon You Want to Start

Street Furniture Panels in the Chicago Suburbs are typically priced in monthly or 4-week terms. For example, if you’re looking at a quote for a billboard that is $2,000, that price usually means that it’s $2,000/4-weeks.

  1. Street Furniture - $400-$1000/4 weeks

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