Archer Heights

Cost and Locations of Billboards in Archer Heights, Chicago


Right by Chicago’s Midway Airport, Archer Heights is a mini-suburb within Chicago. Most of the residents are married Hispanic couples, and half of the households include children. This is the bread and butter of Chicago.

Key Features

  • Archer Heights is the epitome of a suburb within a larger city

  • 77% of the population is of Hispanic descent

  • Most residents are under 35

  • Bottom line: Archer Heights is a quiet of a Hispanic residential community


  • Population: 13,000 +

  • Median Age of Population: 31

  • Average Household Income: ~ $57,000 annually

  • Median Household Income: ~ $43,000 annually

  • Marital Status: 42% never married, 47% married. The rest are either separated, widowed or divorced.

In Detail

Archer Heights is the quieter version of Pilsen. Ripe with Hispanic audiences waiting for your messaging, Archer Heights residents mostly work and party somewhere else. When they’re home, it’s all about taking care of the family.

Archer Heights might not seem as flashy as other neighborhoods, but with more than eight thousand residents who speak Spanish, we see it as an opportunity to reach a whole new audience. Change your messaging into Spanish and you might gain a whole new set of loyal customers.

Chicago Coverage & Featured Locations



This AT&T Wallscape advertising location, catches traffic heading to the “Arrivals & Departures” area at Midway International Airport. Midway is the second largest airport in Illinois and this is the perfect spot to capture the attention of travelers coming in and out of the city as well as residents of the Archer Heights neighborhood.

Inquire About These Archer Heights Billboard Locations and More!

Cost of Billboards in Archer Heights, Chicago

The cost of billboards in Archer Heights will depend on a few factors:


The Type of Billboard


Quantity of Locations


How Soon You Want to Start

Billboards in Chicago are typically priced in monthly or 4-week terms. For example, if you’re looking at a quote for a billboard that is $2,000, that price usually means that it’s $2,000/4-weeks.

  1. Neighborhood Signs (HotSpots) - $1,000 to $6,000/4-weeks

  2. Wallscapes - Inquire for Price

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