Video - Billboards & Real Estate Agents

Are billboards, HotSpots, and other OOH formats good for real estate agents? Our team discusses a multitude of reasons why “yes” is the answer! Watch the video above or read the transcript below to find out what those reasons are.

1 - Billboards Help Show Neighborhood Expertise

Real estate agents in Chicago tend to be neighborhood experts. They focus on a certain area and drill down in that area better than anyone else. And for reaching a specific area HotSpots do that very well. Realtors pride themselves on being experts in the neighborhood and we're the same way. We're experts in the sign locations that we sell.

2 - WorKs in Conjunction with Other Marketing efforts

There's a direct overlap because our signs are an extension of what realtors are already doing with their marketing. Whether it be their for sale signs or different community organizations that they're involved with to gain leads. Our signs can help them get exposure in a very specific part of the city that's relevant to their business.

3 - Highly Targeted to Specific Customers

Any given real estate agent can tell us exactly where they're looking to attract their customers and so it's very easy for us to pinpoint sign locations that are in those parameters. There's so much real estate going on in Chicago right now there's a lot of clutter in terms of if I were a buyer, where to look, who to be most interested in, and I think our format allows their offerings to stand out.

4 - Efficient Ad Spend

There's a lot of clutter in the digital space because you don't necessarily know who you're reaching but with billboards you can say, “okay, this intersection at River North has a household income of X, we know that most people that pass this are gonna be somewhat receptacle to your message” and it's a way to have a little bit better of an ad spend: more targeted and more likely to reach an ideal buyer.

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